Newly constructed primary school --"symbol of Chinese-Macedonian friendship". |
2014-09-01 03:23 |
The mayor of Kisela Voda municipality, Biljana Belicanec Aleksik, together with the Ambassador of P.R. China in Macedonia, Wen Zhenshun, Minister of Education and Science of R. Macedonia, Abdilakim Ademi, 1.September 2014 in Dracevo settlement cut the ribbon and opened the doors of the newly constructed primary school "Rajko Zinzifov, symbol ofChinese-Macedonian friendship". Opening of this facility is fulfillment of a great promise, given to the citizens of Kisela Voda municipality, primarily to Dracevo settlement- emphasized mayor Belicanec- Aleksic, pointing out to the bad and inappropriate conditions of the barracks constructed in 1964 in which the school was located and where numerous generations were educated. Aware that holding classes in modern conditions is a necessity today, Kisela Voda municipality, led by my predecessor, the mayor of Kisela Voda at that period, Mr. Marjan Gjorcev, started this major project that is being finalized today. The facility that was placed on this location went into history, today we are opening doors of our vision, concretized in the new look of the municipality primary school "Rajko Zinzifov", symbol of Chinese-Macedonian friendship". The new school "Rajko Zinzifov", symbol of ChineseMacedonian friendship" in Dracevo settlement has a total area of 4500 square meters, 35 classrooms, 5 cabinets equipped with modern equipment and a library. In the 16000 square meters yard, there will be a football ground, basketball court, athletics track and an area for opendoor activities. The funds for this facility have been provided as part of the concluded agreement between the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and the Government of the People's Republic of China for bilateral cooperation stated the Minister of Education and Science of R. Macedonia, Abdilakim Ademi in his speech. In her address to those present, the mayor of the municipality expressed special gratitude to the parents of the pupils from this school for their trust, patience and support given during the period of construction of the facilities. Together we shared the concern for all problems that appeared in the course of the construction activities, and today together we share joy because our wishes and activities resulted with this outcome, she declared. Gratefulness also was expressed for their hospitality to the primary school "Kuzman Shapkarev" and the state high school "Braka Miladinovci" in which premises during the period of construction of the new facility the pupils from Rajko Zinzifov held their classes. The value of the project is around 4 million Euros, complete donation from PR China, the project was by IPPR, contracting company was B.A.R. ECE, and subcontractor was LINIKA. People's Republic of China has always been considered as a country in which investments in education are a priority and with its 4-million Euros donation once again has proved it, meeting the needs of the Macedonian pupils, mayor Belicanec Aleksik thanked the Chinese ambassador to RM, Wen Zhenshun. Appreciation was expressed to the Government of Republic of Macedonia without the assistance of which none of these could have happened. Raising the level of the educational process through creating suitable quality conditions for its holding has been and will remain a priority for Kisela Voda municipality. Such projects confirm our commitmentunderlined municipality mayor at the end of her speech adding that the pupils from this school from today will learn in the most beautiful school facility in Macedonia that satisfies the criteria even of the strictest assessors. This year 704 pupils, out of whom 82 firstgraders will study in the municipality primary school "Rajko Zinzifov", symbol of Chinese-Macedonian friendship". (Source: ) |