Li Keqiang Attends the 24th ASEAN Plus Three Summit |
2021-10-27 19:05 |
On the afternoon of October 27, 2021, Premier Li Keqiang attended the 24th ASEAN Plus China, Japan and ROK (APT) Summit at the Great Hall of the People. The leaders of the ASEAN countries, ROK President Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida jointly attended the Summit. Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei presided over the Summit which was held via video link. Li Keqiang said in his speech that the APT countries enjoy geographical proximity and our futures are closely interconnected. We have kept to the overall direction of cooperation, continuously advanced regional economic integration and jointly responded to challenges on the pandemic, energy, food and financial fronts. These efforts have bolstered our development at home. President Xi Jinping has put forward the important initiative of building a community with a shared future with neighbors. We need to make the most of the mature mechanisms of cooperation and rich experience in crisis response, boost an all-round and balanced recovery of East Asia and safeguard long-standing prosperity and stability in the region, to jointly build a more open and inclusive East Asia that enjoys sustainable development. China puts forward the following proposals: First, we need to improve public health governance. We need to expedite the building of the APT Reserve of Medical Supplies for Public Health Emergencies, and help bolster regional capacity for pandemic response. China supports adopting the APT Leaders' Statement on Cooperation on Mental Health Among Adolescents and Young Children at this summit. Second, we need to deepen regional economic integration. As a signature outcome of East Asian cooperation, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) will soon reach the threshold of entry into force. We need to hasten work for the agreement to take effect as early as possible and pursue higher-level integration. China will host capacity building programs such as personnel training and experience sharing. Third, we need to enhance industrial cooperation in East Asia. China supports extending the ASEAN Travel Corridor Arrangement Framework to all APT countries and better harnessing the existing "fast tracks" and "green lanes", to facilitate regional economic circulations. China will host an APT forum for cooperation on industrial and supply chains. Fourth, we need to promote the digital economy in East Asia. China will host the APT Young Scientists Forum and other activities to help regional countries bridge the digital divide. China will step up exchanges with all parties on cyberspace governance, digital governance and cyber-security. Fifth, we need to energize financial cooperation. China welcomes the entry into force of the amended Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization Agreement and supports expanding the functions of the ASEAN Plus Three Macroeconomic Research Office. Sixth, we need to promote green and sustainable growth. We need to promote a green and low-carbon transition in energy consumption and way of life and production without compromising energy security. China will continue to host the APT Clean Energy Roundtable Dialogue. Support and input for the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve need to be increased to protect regional food security. Li Keqiang pointed out that China will work with all parties to safeguard regional stability and world peace, promote regional economic recovery, and foster a strong pillar of growth for the world economy. Leaders of the countries attending the Summit said that the APT cooperation mechanism since its establishment has been playing an important role in crisis response and the development of East Asia. Thanks to the long-term close APT cooperation, countries in the region have rapidly responded to and are working together to combat the pandemic, and are hand-in-hand promoting regional economic recovery and inclusive growth. Looking into the future, the ASEAN, China, Japan and ROK should hasten work for the RCEP to take effect as early as possible, accelerate the building of the APT Reserve of Medical Supplies for Public Health Emergencies, further cement cooperation in the fields of public health, digital economy, connectivity, fiscal and financial sectors, and climate change, and secure regional industrial chain and supply chain. Taking the opportunity of the 25th anniversary of APT cooperation in 2022, all parties should push the APT cooperation to a higher level, and make positive contributions to the East Asia community with a shared future, the common growth and prosperity of East Asia and the world, and the sustainable future. The Summit adopted the APT Leaders' Statement on Cooperation on Mental Health Among Adolescents and Young Children at this summit. Xiao Jie also attended the Summit. |