China National Opera and Dance Theater to Perform in Skopje |
2015-11-09 23:28 |
A dance drama about Chinese philosopher Confucius, produced by the China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater, will be played in the Skopje-based Macedonian National Theatre on Monday, 9th November. The performance is held within the China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater tour and follows last year's visit by managers and artistic directors of China's most significant culture institutions to Macedonia. Chinese Ambassador to Macedonia Wen Zhenshun, China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater director Tao Cheng, and China National Arts Fund representative Han Ziyong met today with Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska, referring to prior cooperation and future activities. "Macedonia and China share excellent relations in the culture field. The executive programme on culture cooperation, signed in 2011, has resulted in numerous events, including the Macedonian Culture Days in China, tours by the China Youth National Orchestra and the Bitola Theatre in both countries", said Kanceska-Milevska. She stressed the bilateral cooperation will also be in the focus of a meeting with Chinese counterpart Luo Shugang at a forum for culture cooperation between the PR China and Central and Eastern European countries, held in Sofia on November 12-14. "There is large progress in the culture cooperation, including numerous events in recent years. This evening's Confucius performance is a well-known theme in Macedonia, because the Skopje-based Confucius Institute has been active for the past couple of years", said Ambassador Wen Zhenshun. The Confucius performance is a project supported by the China National Arts Fund. |