Defense Attaché Zhang Baoqun Hosts the 88th Army Day Reception |
2015-08-03 15:54 |
To celebrate the 88th anniversary of the Founding of the People's Liberation Army, Senior Colonel Zhang Baoqun, Defence Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Macedonia, hosted a reception in Hotel Aleksandar Palace on 31st July, 2015. Also presented at the reception were H. E. Ambassador Wen Zhenshun and other diplomats of the Embassy. Minister of Defense Mr. Zoran Jolevski and his wife, Deputy CHOD Lieutenant General Sejdini, Chairperson of the Committee on Culture and Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Assembly of RM for Cooperation with the Parliament of PRC MP Mrs. Silvana Boneva and other distinguished guests attended the reception. In total, more than 150 guests from the Ministry of Defense, ARM General Staff, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Defense Attachés as well as representatives from overseas Chinese community and Chinese companies joined the celebration. In his speech, Sr. Col. Zhang emphasized the special significance of this year’s anniversary celebration. He said that this year is the 70th Anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. China, as the main Eastern battlefield for the global anti-Fascist War, greatly supported the anti-Fascist military operations in other regions such as Europe, the Pacific and Southeast Asia. Sr. Col. Zhang said this year also sees the 25th Anniversary of the PLA’s participation to the UN Peacekeeping missions. China has become the biggest military peace-keeping forces contributor among the permanent members of the UN Security Council, making the special contribution to world peace and regional security. Sr. Col. Zhang also briefly introduced the White Paper entitled as China's Military Strategy, and emphasized that China will unswervingly follow a path of peaceful development and never seek hegemony or expansion. The guests sent their congratulations for the 88th anniversary of the PLA’s Founding and expressed admiration for China pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace and a national defense policy that is defensive in nature, and committing to maintaining world peace and stability. During the reception, there was the presentation of the film “The PLA of Today” and the military publicity materials including the China's Military Strategy white paper, which caused the great interests from the guests. The military band of the Macedonian Army was invited to perform on the occasion. Starting with the national anthems of the Republic of Macedonia and the PRC, the band specially played two pieces of music composed during the period of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression: The song of Guerrilla Forces, and Nan Ni Wan. The whole celebration was always in a joyful and pleasant atmosphere. |