"The People's Republic of China is a very important partner for us and our intention is how much more can we strengthen and intensify the mutual cooperation", stressed the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Macedonia, Zoran Jolevski, on meeting July 14, 2014 with the Ambassador of the PR of China in Macedonia , Wen Zhenshun, and with the defence attaché, Zhang Baoqun.
On the meeting Minister Jolevski expressed hope that in the mutual contacts and exchange of opinions, new ideas will be developed, which will give incentive for continued development of the cooperation, especially in the field of defence and security.
Ambassador Wen expressed gratitude for the possibility to speak with the Minister and stated that this period is actually the best period in the cooperation between both countries on all fields, including the political, economic and cultural sphere. Examples for this, added the Ambassador, are the visits by the President and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia to the PR of China. The friendly atmosphere in Macedonia towards China, can be highlighted right away, said the Ambassador.
This year, the Armies of the Republic of Macedonia and the PR of China are marking 10 years since the signing of the Agreement for Cooperation in the field of defence. The Agreement, on an annual level, includes activities in the part of military science and technology, military education and training, military culture, sport and medicine.