Procedures for Foreign Reporters to Apply for Short-term News Coverage in or Resident Accreditation to China |
2014-10-17 20:57 |
I. For short-term news coverage in The following documents should be submitted to the consular office of the Chinese embassy, consulate or visa issuing institution(s) authorized by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in ---- (country or region). 1. A letter of application for covering news in China signed by the head of the foreign media organization with detailed programs in China including the name list of the visiting reporter(s), date of arrival and departure, venue(s) and subject of news coverage. 2. An invitation letter by the interviewee. 3. The applicant's passport, copies of professional journalist credentials and contact information. 4. Completed visa application form. 5. Completed Equipment Declaration Form if the reporter(s) intend(s) to bring into II. For foreign reporters applying for resident accreditation to 1. A foreign media organization should establish a resident office in (1) A profile of the media organization concerned. (2) Name of the resident office and the city in which it is to be established, its business scope, number of staff as well as personal information of the office chief and other staff such as name, gender, age, nationality, capacity and working experience. (3) A copy of the media organization's registration certificate issued by its home country. 2. If a foreign media organization which already has a resident office in (1) A profile of the media organization concerned. (2) The name, gender, age, nationality, capacity, resumé, and the city where the reporter is to be based. (3) Professional credentials. 3. If two or more foreign media organizations wish to send the same individual as their resident reporter in 4. Approved resident foreign reporters and their accompanying dependents should apply for J-1 visas at the Chinese embassy, consulate or visa issuing institution(s) authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in (country). Foreign staff working not as reporters and their accompanying dependents should apply for Z visas. Kinship certificates or documents should be provided. |