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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang's Regular Press Conference on March 11, 2020

2020-03-11 18:16

Here's the latest update on COVID-19 in China's mainland. According to the National Health Commission, March 10 saw 1,578 patients cured and discharged from hospital, bringing the tally to 61,475.

Q: The COVID-19 epidemic is spreading fast in many places across the world. According to WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros, the threat of the coronavirus triggering a worldwide pandemic is now very real. Faced with such increasingly severe situation worldwide, what will China do to help enhancing international epidemic response?

A: Thanks to the Chinese people's united and arduous efforts, the situation in China is getting better, with prevention and control efforts resulting in important progress at this stage. Meanwhile the epidemic broke out in many places across the world and keeps spreading, and some countries are suffering gravely from it. Against such a backdrop, it is all the more important and urgent for all countries to step up communication and cooperation in jointly fighting the epidemic and safeguarding regional and international public health security. While combating COVID-19 at home, China is ready to contribute to the global response.

First, we will step up communication and coordination with the WHO and the international community. Exchange of information is an important part of a joint global response. After the virus outbreak, China shared its genetic sequence with the WHO at the earliest time possible and notified other countries in a timely manner. With openness, transparency and a high sense of responsibility for global public health security and people's well-being, we will continue information-sharing with the international community including the WHO. We will also strive to enhance coordination and cooperation to advance joint response at regional and global levels to stem the spread of the virus.

Second, we will continue experience-sharing and exchange with other countries. China has so far published seven guidelines on COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment and six guidelines on prevention and control, all of which have been translated into multiple foreign languages. We would like to share these Chinese solutions with the world and hold exchanges over them. We've discussed our work against the epidemic in video conferences with the European Union, ASEAN, African Union, Caribbean Community, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, South Pacific island countries, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Georgia and others. We will continue exchanges and mutual learning with other countries and international organizations to jointly enhance regional and global capacity in safeguarding public health security.

Third, we will send medical specialists to more countries and regions in need. Our Red Cross Society has sent experts to Iran and Iraq, where they conducted intensive work and were acclaimed by local authorities and people. We are planning to send medical experts to Italy as well and stand ready to help more countries in need in this way.

Fourth, we will provide medicines and other supplies to the international community. Humanity shines through the dark cloud of the epidemic. China has decided to donate $20 million to the WHO. We've provided some countries with masks, medicines, protective suits and other supplies and exported medical supplies and equipment to those in urgent need of them. Sub-national governments and civil organizations are all extending a helping hand overseas. While fighting hard against the epidemic at home, China is ready to offer as much help as we can to countries in need.

Fifth, we will ramp up cooperation with the international community on science and technology. We would like to collaborate with other countries in medicines, vaccines and testing reagents, contributing China's wisdom and proposals to securing an early global victory over the virus.

China will contribute to the global fight in these five areas. We will work with the international community with solidarity and mutual assistance to overcome the epidemic.

Q: Last week your colleague said that confirmed cases of coronavirus were first found in China but its origin is not necessarily in China. So do you have any idea of where it comes from?

A: The origin of the virus can only be determined by science. We need to rely on scientific and professional views. We don't hope to see anyone making an issue out of this to stigmatize other countries. It won't help the concerted international efforts to fight against the epidemic.

Q: Yesterday the Foreign Ministers of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States issued a Joint Statement on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). They reiterated commitment to the treaty in all its aspects, but also stressed that its success was not foreordained, nor is its future success guaranteed. How do you see the function of the treaty and the five countries' future cooperation?

A: Yesterday the Foreign Ministers of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States issued a Joint Statement, expressing political support for the NPT, reaffirming commitment to obligations under the treaty, and demonstrating their collective will to safeguard and strengthen its mechanisms.

The NPT is the cornerstone of the international nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime and an essential part of the post-war global security system. Since coming into effect half a century ago, it has played an effective role in advancing nuclear disarmament, preventing proliferation, and promoting benefits of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. This year marks its 50th anniversary. The 10th review conference will be held next month. It is an important mission for all parties to advance in a balanced manner the three goals of the NPT, namely, nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and peaceful uses of nuclear energy to contribute to peace and progress in the world.

With rising uncertainty and destabilizing factors in the international landscape and surging unilateralism, global strategic security is under severe impact. The efficacy and authority of the NPT is also being challenged. The five permanent members of the Security Council, as acknowledged nuclear weapon states under NPT terms, shoulder important responsibilities towards global peace and security. China hopes the five countries will follow the spirit of collaboration in this Joint Statement, take the upcoming review conference as an opportunity to step up coordination and cooperation, and uphold the international arms control regime and the world order based on international law. We will continue to work relentlessly towards this goal.

Q: Russia's State Duma passed a bill on constitutional amendments allowing incumbent and former presidents to run for the presidency in 2024. A referendum on the bill will be held on April 22. What's China's comment?