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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Regular Press Conference on December 13, 2018

2018-12-13 23:00


Q: Two Canadians have now been taken into custody in China. Both have been accused of allegedly endangering China's national security. There are many charges possible for endangering national security. What are Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor accused of doing wrong?

A: The information I have is that on December 10, the Beijing State Security Bureau and the State Security Bureau of Dandong City, Liaoning Province have respectively taken compulsory measures on Canadian citizens Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor in accordance with the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China and the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China on suspicion of engaging in activities that harm China's state security. These cases are still under investigation. The Beijing State Security Bureau and the Liaoning State Security Department have respectively informed the Canadian Embassy in China of these cases. The legitimate rights of these two people are guaranteed.


Q: According to reports, in a recent diplomatic consultation between China and Pakistan, Pakistani Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua told Vice Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a "national priority" for the government and Pakistan remains committed to the successful implementation of CPEC. The two sides also agreed to expand CPEC cooperation to new areas. Can you confirm that? Could you give us more details about this political consultation between the two sides?

A: I would take your second question first. At the invitation of Pakistani Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua, Vice Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou recently traveled to Pakistan for the China-Pakistan diplomatic consultation. The two sides exchanged in-depth views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of mutual interest and reached consensus in the following aspects: first, we will maintain high-level interactions; second, we will deepen strategic communication and continue to engage in dialogues and consultations at various levels; third, we will strengthen economic and trade cooperation and advance the second-phase negotiation on China-Pakistan free trade agreement; fourth, we will enhance the building of CPEC and promote it to a stage of high-quality development with concrete industrial cooperation and expand it into other regions in Pakistan; fifth, we will conduct closer communication and coordination on international and regional affairs to uphold common interests. The two sides also strongly condemned the terrorist attack targeting the Chinese diplomatic institution by the Pakistani terrorist force and agreed to step up anti-terrorist cooperation and safeguard the development of CPEC as well as the safety of Chinese institutions and personnel in Pakistan.


The Pakistani side did make these statements as you just mentioned. The relevant remarks fully demonstrate the high consensus between the two sides on developing our bilateral relations, in particular on deepening the CPEC cooperation. China applauds Pakistan's decision to take CPEC as a "national priority" and believes that with the concerted efforts from both sides, CPEC will continue to make new progress and deliver more benefits to the people of the two countries as well as those living in the wider neighborhood.


Q: Can you tell us if the two investigations on Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor are separated or related?

A: I have made my points clear. In terms of the nature of the two cases, these two persons are both suspected of engaging in activities that harm China's state security. They have been taken compulsory measures respectively by the Beijing State Security Bureau and the State Security Bureau of Dandong City, Liaoning Province. Both of them are still under investigation.


Q: Are these investigations into these two Canadian nationals related to or retaliation for Canada's arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou?

A: As for Canada's wrongful detention of Ms. Meng Wanzhou, we have made clear our position. As for these two Canadian citizens who have been taken compulsory measures by China's state security authorities, I can assure you that the Chinese side will act in accordance with laws and regulations.


Q: I know that both had worked on issues related to the DPRK. Can you tell us if their actions that are suspected of endangering national security are related to the DPRK?

A: Like I just said, in terms of the nature of these two cases, these two persons are suspected of engaging in activities that harm China's state security. As for other information you've asked, I have no information to offer at the moment. These cases are under investigation.


Q: Are there other Canadians being investigated by the Chinese State Security this week that we should also be aware of?

A: You have heard of more? (Journalist: no.) I haven't heard of it as well.


Q: The three ethnic armed groups in northern Myanmar, namely, the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA), the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Arakan Army (AA) issued a peace statement in Kunming yesterday, saying that they are willing to engage politically in Myanmar's reconciliation and peace process. What's your comment?

A: After positive dialogues and negotiations, the Myanmar government and the three northern Myanmar ethnic armed groups, namely the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA), the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Arakan Army (AA), have reached consensus on the three ethnic armed groups issuing a peace statement. The three ethnic armed groups said that they are willing to resolve problems with the Myanmar government and military through dialogue and take part in Myanmar's reconciliation and peace process through political means. This marks important positive progress in Myanmar's peace process and China welcomes and supports that.