The Economic Chamber of Macedonia plans to increase cooperation with China |
2015-04-20 17:57 |
The Economic Chamber of Macedonia plans to increase cooperation with China through a joint Business council, which includes the chambers of commerce from Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary and a host of other East European countries. The goal of the Business council is to improve economic cooperation between China and Eastern Europe, in joint investment, technological exchange and cooperation and trade. Investment agencies and various business groups can also join the Business council, whose first, inaugural meeting, took place in the Polish city of Katowice on Monday. The idea to create a joint Council of businesses from China and Eastern Europe originated in November 2013, during the Budapest summit of heads of Governments, and the idea was continued at the recent Belgrade summit. The Council is supposed to promote joint cooperation and trade between Chinese and Eastern European, including Macedonian, companies, and will also organize regular business forums during the annual Government meetings. The Business Council will prepare information systems to help companies from Eastern Europe and China get connected, access each other's markets, cooperate and find the needed finances. The next meeting of the Business Council will be held this November in the Chinese city of Chengdu. All Macedonian companies interested in promotion at the Chinese market can ask for direct support from the Business Council , said Economic Chamber of Macedonia president Jelisaveta Georgieva after the council's inaugural meeting. "The Business Council will facilitate the access of companies to Chinese markets through joint distribution and cooperation among companies from 16 Central and Eastern Europe countries (CEEC)", said Georgieva. She said in her address that the chamber aims at establishing communication and improving economic cooperation among companies, chambers and other public and private business organizations in China, use its Business Council membership as a platform for information exchange, promote good practices in economic cooperation, organize joint promotions, engage in economic projects that Chinese entrepreneurs can implement along with countries of Central and Eastern Europe, organize business fora, take part at fairs and other events. Activities of the Business Council will aim towards creating info-mechanisms for better understanding of the business environment in countries of Central and Eastern Europe, continual sharing of information on trade, market access, cooperation models and funding instruments, as well as enhancement of a balanced trade exchange between China and CEEC. |