In 2013, in Macedonia for the first time are observed more than 700,000 visitors and this means that from 2006 to 2013 the number of foreign tourists is doubled, i.e. 98%.
This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Government in charge of Economic Affairs Vladimir Peshevski who added that at government meeting were reviewed recent trends in the development of the tourism market in the country.
-Total number of tourists, both domestic and foreign in this period grew by 40%. As I mentioned trends are positive and this year the number of tourists during January-May compared to the same period last year are increased by 6.7%, i.e. the domestic tourists by 9.9% and foreign tourists by 4.8 % said Peshevski.
He added that there is increase in the number of nights with increase of 5.7% in domestic and foreign tourists together.
According to the published data of the State Statistical Office, the total number of foreign tourists in June was 51,498 i.e. growth of 11.2 percents, and in the first six months of this year 285,974 foreign tourists with growth of 6.1 percents.
Most of them, 8522 are from Turkey, followed by the 4766 from Netherlands, 4528 from Serbia, 3828 from Greece, 2925 from Bulgaria, 2121 from Slovenia, and were registered 1,369 tourists from the United States.
The total number of tourists in June was 70,673, and the number of nights spent 170,898. The number of domestic tourists in June 2014 compared to June 2013 decreased by 10.9 percents, while the number of foreign tourists was increased by 11.2 percents.
The number of nights spent by domestic tourists in June 2014 compared to June 2013 was decreased by 10.8 percents and the number of nights spent by foreign tourists is increased by 8.8 percents.
In January-June 2014 compared to the same period last year, the number of tourists was increased by 6.1 percents and the domestic tourists increased by 5.2 percents, while for foreign tourists was increased by 6.5 percents.
In January-June 2014 compared to the same period last year, the number of overnight stays was increased by 4.5 percents and the domestic tourists was increased by 1.4 percents, while that of foreign tourists was increased by 6.8 percents.
These positive trends, as noted Peshevski are result of series of changes and policies that the Government has implemented in the past. He announced several changes that will follow in the upcoming period for continuing and improving the continuity of positive trends.
-One of activities conducted by Government in the past period is subsidizing foreign organized tourist trade and subsidizing airline flights of low cost airlines. With subsidies for low-cost airlines is solved the problem with direct connections to major cities in Europe and the world. This year, the list of destinations is supplemented with new tour operators and new destinations, underlined Peshevski.
Besides the existing 8 flights to Malmo, Dortmund, Munich, Basel, London, Eindhoven and Milan, Gothenburg Stolkhom are also introduced three new i.e. Paris, Frankfurt and Brussels. Last year, for the achievement of this activity were provided 86 million MKD and for 2014 is 135 million MKD, which is significant budget increase.
The organized tour for foreign trade, the list of countries from where tourists are subsidize is continually expanded. This year the number of countries and subsidies will apply to tourists from China and India and 2015 for tourists from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Qatar, Germany, USA and England. This year the subsides for foreign organized tourist trade are 155 million MKD.
Minister of Economy Bekim Nezri noted that the positive trends in tourism affect job creation.
-Last year, in Macedonia were employed 8,500 people in tourism, which represents 1.2% of total employment in the country. According to estimates of the World Council for travel and tourism, this year the number of employees in this important sector will reach 10,000 and it will be increase in the share of GDP by 1.9%, explained minister Nezri.
Macedonia still employs 31,000 people in areas related to tourism. The Minister noted that the projections for this year indicate that these figures will increase and reach 32,500people who will be engaged in the tourism sector.
It is expected, as pointed Nezri until 2024 the figure to climb to 40,000 employees.
The share of tourism in GDP in 2012 and 2013 was increased by 1.4%, and the goal is reach growth of 5% of the total GDP.
He added that this is due to the positive set of measures the Government implemented in the past years, as well as amendments to existing laws that make compliance with directives of European Union.